Friday, July 17, 2009

cable damage

So many stories, so little time! The cable guy broke the molding as he was going into our attic last week...15 minutes later there were SEVEN Japanese men in our house taking pictures and writing up a report! The best part is I didn't have to point out that they broke it, no arguing about it being their responsibility to fix it, I didn't say a word (mostly because they couldn't understand me anyway) and they scheduled a repairman to fix the molding and wallpaper!


  1. Seven minutes?!! Sweet! How quick did they get it fixed?

  2. It was fixed in less than a week. I wasn't too concerned with WHEN they came to fix it because it was in our storage/guest room and I never go in there. I just wanted to be sure they DID fix it - so the owner doesn't take it out of our deposit when we move out!
