Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Today officially marks halfway thru the pregnancy - woohoo!! I've updated a couple of belly photos so be sure to check that out if you get a chance - and if you're wondering why I look so terrible in the 20 week photo it's because I went swimming today and just didn't have the energy to get dolled up for a picture :) I'm betting on everyone just being interested in the belly anyway!

Things here are going good - just trying to pass the time until Shane comes home and lil' miss gets here! Shane left about a week ago and, as always, I've had my ups and downs with it. I think considering all the preggo hormones I've got going these days I'm doing extraordinarily well - I haven't even broke down on a stranger yet! :)

Our little girl is about 6 1/2 inches long from head to rump this week - a little bigger than the palm of my hand! I'm growing too - but most people here are surprised when I say I'm pregnant, and even more surprised when I mention how far along I am! I can definitely tell the difference though and am gaining a normal amount - just don't have the completely obvious belly bump just yet.

I think that's it for now - just wanted to celebrate the halfway mark with all of you!!!


  1. You look wonderful!! I didn't really have a noticable bump the first time until 25+ weeks. She will be here before you know it!

  2. So glad everything is going well! Miss you :)

  3. Cynthia - it's nice to know I'm not the only one that's a late bloomer - EVERYONE I've met lately seems to LOOK waaayy more preggo than me, even if they're a month or two behind me! If the doctor says I'm doing fine (which she does) I guess I should be thankful!

    Lisa - MISS YOU TOO!!!!!

  4. Soon you should gain something like 2 pounds per week, right? I can't remember when that is supposed to start. You are going to be all belly!

  5. I sincerely hope I don't gain 2 pounds per week - that will put me gaining about 45-50 pounds!! My doc said I should gain 1/2 a pound a week from now on and I think I'm sticking pretty close to that. My Mom and I have the same build and she literally looked like she swallowed a bowling ball - I'm guessing I will be the same way!

  6. Haha, 45 pounds! Actually, I think at some point you should gain a pound a week. Maybe that's towards the end. We need updated photos! It's been a month :)

  7. I have some tips for you

  8. Just looked at the pregnancy tips and LOVE it. Especially the visualization in labor!! Sorry for the lack of pics but I FINALLY added a new post!!
