Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our first outing (Part 2)

I'm going to start by saying sorry in advance for the formatting, but it's either this or nothing at all! This is a picture of the sushi place I wrote about yesterday. After lunch we just walked around town taking it all in. Rougly half the restaurants and shops advertised their store names in English and Japanese, the rest were Japanese only. It's a very odd feeling to suddenly lose the ability to read and talk, almost like being a baby again. It's funny though because hand gestures and facial expressions go a long way!

A few steps outside the main gate...
Oh, I almost forgot to mention the funniest partof the day - I chickened out the first time I walked in a bathroom!!! Yes, that's right, I stood in line and when I realized it was a traditional Japanese toilet (basically a ceramic whole in the ground) I just turned around and walked out. What can I say, a girl can only handle so much in one day! Sorry if that's too much sharing, but I know some of you will appreciate this story!!

These are the first Japanese items we purchased. I chose the apple juice on the right, Shane chose what we're assuming is green tea on the left. Mine was delicious! Shane's...well, not so was a VERY bitter tea with a kickin after taste.

Buying water from the vending yen!

A yummy crepe filled with strawberries, ice cream, pudding, and chocolate!

As we were walking through town, there was a boardwalk festival complete with a Japanese country band (they even sang "Take Me Home, Country Roads" in Japanese) and line dancers!


...and fish eggs at the grocery store!!

Driving in Japan doesn't look so bad, right?!

Until you see a sign like this!!!


  1. Pep, I am thrilled that you are doing this blog, and we can keep up with what you guys are doing. great idea, keep it up! and congrats on making it this far!

  2. First off, love the blog! Second, wow! You seem to be having a great time already, if nothing else, completely entertaining! I am thankful that you have decided to do this blog, and look forward to reading about your adventures in the future! We miss you all already, we are moving to Florida in just three weeks!

  3. Oh, what mental picture I have of the bathroom incident! That still as me giggling!! I can just see your face!!
