Okay so I know I have snowboarding pictures and other things to post about, but I have MUCH more exciting news to share!!! It's not the most attractive picture of me, but this is what I'm going to look like in October...

We are both really excited and yes I've already started with the belly pictures! I'll probably start posting them next month since there's nothing to see so far...if you're not into that kinda thing, sorry! I've always thought the pregnancy bump is sooo cute, now we'll find out if I feel that way about myself! Shane and I are already reading as much as possible since I have limited baby experience and I'm not sure if Shane has ever even changed a diaper! (it's okay to laugh at us, we do!) Going thru this experience in a foreign country is already presenting it's challenges, but nothing we can't handle! We can't shop off base for a lot of things since we can't read Japanese directions, which means we'll be doing a lot of online shopping. Also, we don't have a lot of space here, so we have to think compact! Of course the worst part as always is that we are missing out on sharing this time with friends and family!! We miss you guys!!!! On the flip side, I think it will be VERY cool to say our kid was born in Japan!!! (Oh and since several of you have already asked - no Japanese citizenship, but I think it will say Japan on the baby's birth certificate!) I'll definitely post more about this when I learn more!
Soooo, it looks like the dynamic of the blog is going to change quite a bit! I still plan to post about our crazy adventures in Japan but now "us" is plus 1!!!